
Advantage and defect of cram schools in Japan at present

You can be prepare to entrance examination more specially.
 Teachers will teach only subjects that are important for exams.   In public schools, you have to learn not only subjects but physical education, human relationships, and so on. But in cram schools, you can be consentrate to study subjects that are important for exams.

You can get good friends.
 There are many students who aim to study more hardly. So you can look for good friends who have the same goal as yours. They will help you to study.

Sometimes too study hard.
 You will go to cram schools after school or holidays. You probably will not have enough free time, so you cannot play with friends, go shopping or play sports, etc...  Not only studying is important thing for students. The balance between studying and refleshing is important.

You have to spend much money.
 You cannot study at cram schools with no money. Tuition fees are tend to be high, so parents have a lot of effort to make you go to cram schools. You should study hard for not only yourself but your parents.

Of course there are other advantages and defects of cram schools. I think it is important to understand cram schools from many views. If we can do so, we can understand them more deeply.


Comparison Japanese cram schools with American

There are few cram schools in America because American use "cram schools" as pejorative word. The word "cram school" means like studying too hard.

But of course there are similar businesses that called "tutoring services" or "test preparation centers." Generally, such supplementary instruction is only used in the United States as a way to assist students who have learning disabilities or are struggling academically in a particular subject. So there are some differences between Japanese cram schools and "tutoring services" and "test preparation centers."

As background of these differences, there are differences of  education systems. Let's consider the case of university as example. In Japan, at first enlloling is important. Entrance examinations are difficult and basically students are free after enlloling. Entrance examinations are  In America, entrance examinations are comparatively easy(these tests measure that students have basic accademimic achivement enough to study at universities ) and students study very hard after enlloling.

In other words, there are differences understanding of education between Japan and America, like Japan and Europe. But american students also have to take exam, so there are simillar businesses to cram school. I thought that we should learn from American students. Some Japanese students become neglect after enlloling because they are relieved to finish entrance examinations(one of them is me...)


Comparison Japanese cram schools with European

In fact, few students go to cram school in Europe(in this sentence, cram school means the school that students study hard to enter high schools and universities ). So there are not the concept of cram schools.

I will explain you why there are not the concept in Europe. European have the image that everyone does not aim at the same goal because there are big differences of academic ability among people in European society. European public schools are required the education that people respect each personality and get academic ability that suited indivisuals. From these background, European education system has created.

However, there are cram schools for Japanese students. They are of course to support Japanese students studying. As you can understand from this example, the concept of cram schools are unique, especialy Asian have this concept.

There are few cram schools in Europe but private teachers are more popular. European students also have to study for entrance examination, so they are usually helped by private teachers. In Paris, more and more students are educated by them.
In other words, private teachers are like cram schools in Europe.